The Mask of Haliya, is a supernatural, multi-perspective saga about a Filipina teen, Marisol Reyes, who discovers a wooden mask at her great-grandmother’s wake. Destiny beckons in the form of a giant sea serpent, an ancient battle, and a grim vision of the future.
Issue #1: Eye of the Serpent
When shy, troubled Marisol Reyes discovers a wooden mask at her great-grandmother’s wake, destiny beckons in the form of a giant sea serpent, an ancient battle, and a grim vision of the future.
Issue #2: Trace of the Past
A grisly murder in the forest… Strangers arriving in the night… As a sense of foreboding looms over the Reyes clan, Mari learns more about her mysterious cousin Isla, who appears to have secrets of her own…
++For a limited time only SKYN comes with issue #1-2 signed by the author.
Kwento Comics is the first all-women, all-Asian comic book company highlighting Filipino and Asian mythology through the medium of graphic novels.